serving hattiesburg and the surrounding area.

(columbia, petal, purvis, sumrall, laurel, USM, jcjc, jones county, lamar county, forrest county)


Tag microscopic

820-4924 820-3536 dead CPU

dead macbook CPU…

come with me on a macbook repair journey that ultimately was unsuccessful. and not due to a lack of trying.

data recovery iphone hattiesburg

data recovery

data recovery - whew! that encompasses quite a bit of territory. from iphone data recovery to flash drive data recovery, computer hard drives that have failed. in this line of work, i can't think of any other part of my job that can be so high pressure, yet so rewarding if successful.

custom in ear monitors ciem westone dual drivers

custom in ear monitors

custom in ear monitors? what are those? for musicians - it's the future. no longer any need for pushing air on stage these days - cab emulators and in ear monitors (ciem's) are taking the place of stage wedge monitors and actual guitar amplifiers.

closer look

no backlight – macbook pro retina

this macbook pro retina arrived on my desk with a blown backlight. the image was still present, but was not lighting up. after a few tests, we quickly determined the issue and completed the repair.

macbook feather zoomed!

deep clean

spilled something on your macbook? don't wait. that liquid needs to be removed. the longer you wait, the less likely you will have a working computer. deep clean it.

damaged ilok

"do you think anyone will accidentally bump into this long object protruding from their computer?!" it's practically begging to be snapped in half.